Join the fight.

We’re working hard to protect the water supply of Chehalem Mountain. Join us today by donating.

Our Mission

Maintain and protect the sustainable use of natural resources in the Chehalem Groundwater Limited Area


The Backstory

In January 2020, Yamhill County Government approved a marijuana/hemp processing/extraction refinery on Chehalem Mountain at 18505 NE Jaquith Road (Docket SDR-28-19), despite the objection of dozens of local residents. On this site, they also approved growing large amounts of hemp/marijuana that requires extensive irrigation. This area has limited groundwater that is shared by surrounding homeowners & businesses in the region as covered by the map. According to two independent hydrologist/geologist firms, these irrigation practices could deplete the available water in the “Chehalem Mountain Aquifer” area in 1-5 years.

How Can You Help?

Join Our Fight

We need HELP with spreading the word about the potential threat to our finite water resources and risk of fire. We have reached only a fraction of the residents on this aquifer.

We residents have already hired attorneys to oppose the decision with regard to LUBA (Land Use Board of Appeals). We have hired water specialist attorney to advise us and represent the residents of Chehalem Mountain to OWRD (Oregon Water Resources Department). We need to crowd source and fundraise to cover legal fees, protest filing fees, and potential expert testimony.

Help us protect the Chehalem Mountain area that we all love so much.

Make a donation today